House In Seoul


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Code Number Single house_24.11.25  
Rent/Sale rent  
House Type    
Bedroom 4 Bathroom 4
Land Size 993 House Size 170pyeong
Location Seonbuk-dong    
Asking Price 20,000,000krw
Addition Information
성북동 조용한곳에 위치한 단독주택을 소개합니다. 부동산 소재지: 성북동 330번지인근
대지-993m2  연면적 563.49m2 , 신축급모던, 주차장내 주차장 4대 +, 외부 여러대 주차가능. 대사관저, 갤러리, 사옥/주거, 사옥 등  단독주택렌트 2000만원 (렌트완료 2026년12월경 만기)

Let me introduce you to a new detached house located in the 330th district of Seongbuk-dong. You can enjoy a great view of Seoul from the private terrace on the second floor. It's also suitable for Ambassador's residence, a gallery, office/residential building, office building, etc . B1/2F, Underground parking lots for 4 cars + You can park several cars outside. Land- 993m2, building area- 563.49m2  Rent- 20million krw
It depends on the conditions.

城北洞の静かなところに位置する一戸建て住宅を紹介します。 不動産所在地: 城北洞330番地付近 敷地-993㎡ 建築面積563.49㎡、B1/2F, 新築級モダン、駐車場内駐車場4台、一戸建てレント。

How to find an apartment in Seoul Korea
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.
Come & Live Realty
문의 :  C.P. 010-2333-8435
kakao id- houseinseoul
Kristina Yoo 
Please download ASSA apartment application.